“The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can
understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9, NASB).
regeneration/maintenance period: “Watch over
your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life”
(Proverbs 4: 23, NASB).
Jones, in his “Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names,” says that Jericho
means “City of the moon.” He further
described the root words it originated from as “to breath…to smell.” James Strong (Strong #3405), in his
concordance, confirms Jones’ definition by combining the ideas of two things, a
moon and fragrance (perception and getting a quick understanding is
implied). Thus, city of the moon or city of
the blowing out fragrant odors or city
of quick discernment might all work as a definition (or nuanced
heart or spirit in man is something deeper and denser than soul (deeper and
denser than mind, will, and emotion). It
is the conscience and tuition and communion faculties of his being; it is that
part of him which is designed to be
particularly God-conscious. However, the
Fall of Mankind has wreaked havoc to this innate composition and function. The blowing out fragrance and quick
discernment characteristics of Jericho are the remnant faculties functioning
outward from the inner recesses of a mostly
dead heart or spirit; I say mostly dead because, though it is dead in an
ultimate sense (until and only if regeneration occurs) it hobbles along in a
broken and malfunctioning way. A
conscience which either condemns or affirms behavior remains, but is now
detached from God and therefore from the perfect law of conscience. Right and wrong is genuinely muddled to the
unregenerate and fallen heart; nevertheless, the law of God is objective,
external to this muddled man, and still obligatory upon him.
springing up into eternal life which is the experience of those born-again, those
regenerated, is the Spirit of the Lord first reattached or reconnected to man
at his heart or spirit, then its expression as a fountain bubbling up from the
depths of his heart. A mature Christian,
and representative of God’s ideal, is a man with a thoroughly cleansed spirit,
a heart thoroughly re-dug like an ancient well, a well which once overflowed its
banks or its shaft with God’s perfectly clear Spirit.
Thus those poor in Spirit are those who have nothing of their own waters to
gush forth; their spirits are little more than a blank shaft which is entirely
dependent on God to make the water spring forth. Perhaps Rahab the harlot represents the
extent of our contribution, and is like the thick outer-rind of a sick and
calcified heart which has essentially died from the inside out; only because
God comes back into us (after regeneration) and reanimates us from this center
dead spot, does our Rahab-like outer-rind contribution have meaning as it
begins to flesh out and reshape itself after its former substance and
function. Man’s heart or spirit was
never designed to operate without God living at its center animating the whole
person as the engine or motivational thrust behind all its action or
ReplyDeleteAmen AND Amen!! More to come