A black hole is like the
evaporation of yesterday in the morning blaze of today, and we only know that a
black hole exists by the absence of phenomena surrounding it. While yesterdays vanish like vapors or memories
today, the matter—both material substance and meaning—intensifies, condenses, and is extruded through the eye of the needle out into
another dimension of time and space that escapes our understanding. We, and everything we own, in both mind and
matter, is narrowed, spaghettified, and thrust into this new dimension by an
implosion here and a corresponding explosion there.
In other words, even the end of depression is the
beginning of an impression somewhere else, and that which seems a loss to us
from our earth-standing perspective is a gain from the standpoint of heaven. Earthly implosions are heavenly explosions; likewise,
implosions in heaven are expressed as explosions upon the earth. An impression here is an expression there
(and vice versa) and a binding here is a loosing there (and vice versa). Heaven and earth are kissing dimensions that
impact each other at the edges or borders of the masses of their respective atmospheres.
No light can escape the imploded matter of
yesterday, its gravitational pull being inverted and streamed inward until it’s
every import is lost to our natural observation—an internalizing and condensing
matter forever turned in upon its self and extinguished at the borders of our
realm. When God transforms todays into yesterdays,
He eliminates their gravitational influence and snaps their bending lights, their
distortions, back into their straight and unambiguous forces of
We are the falling stars of yesterday, the black
holes of today, and hopefully, a bright spot tomorrow shining “like the
brightness of the expanse of heaven” in magnitude of enlightenment and breadth
of impact (Daniel 12: 3).
The Metaphysics of Salvation
are just explosions expressed
way, as Black Holes are notions
explain unexplainable motions
heavenly bodies as they are pressed
the limits of known law. Compressed
more substantial; Emotions—
more heart-felt. Religious devotions
import like feelings regressed.
pressure inside is a perversion
makeup, just as death is inversion
life somewhere else. Weakness bulges
essence gathers and compels our prayer.
the eye of a needle we go home,
Bare as a baby, skinny as a poem.
Sarah, Einstein did say that time was a persistent illusion, a compelling lie. The trouble with all parameters or anything defined is that they are the very means whereby something is made to be limited, and because we are limited (and God is not) the Scriptures (written from His unlimited perspective) say things like the reality here on earth is only a "shadow" of heaven and we are intrinsically nothing more than "a vapor, a lie, a phantom" etc. Yes, from God's perspective, from His unique advantage point of existing in all space and time simultaneously, everything is already played out, but this is too big for us. Luther was right when he talked of the bondage of our will because he understood that God's sovereignty overrided or overspanned our puny and limited expression of free will. In other words, it is from God's perspective (the only real one, or rather the only one which matters)that we are predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son. The free will we think we have, and we really do have it (but limited by the intrinsic limitations of our nature) we can exercise with impunity. No amount of deviance or demarcation from off the center of what God expects from us is enough to disturb, or in any way, limit His sovereignty; God is inscrutable and omniscient, incapable of being fully understood and completely knowledgeable about everything. Now to authoritatively answer your question, let this Scripture verse illuminate you: "I know that everything God does will remain forever; there is nothing to add to it and there is nothing to take from it, for God has so worked that men should fear Him. That which is has been already and that which will be has already been, for God seeks what has passed by" (Ecclesiastes 3: 14-15).